Most Common Obstacles to Living Out Your Faith

Can you relate to these struggles?

  • Overwhelmed

    Do you struggle with knowing how to have a personal, intimate relationship with God? Do you feel overwhelmed by life and lonely in your struggles?

  • Confused

    Do you struggle to see the connection between your faith and the rest of your life or wonder what terms like "deliverance", "freedom" or "set free" even mean?

  • Scared

    Do you find yourself repeating the same sins and negative patterns over and over, and feel scared to approach God or even reach out to others for help?

What is Discipleship Deliverance™?

Discipleship Deliverance™ is a unique approach to deliverance through a process of discipleship.  It’s spiritual coaching, created to help you unpack your story and find healing.  Throughout the process, you will be guided to take a look at each of the sacraments, in a way that maybe you never have before, in order to identify who your enemy is, uncover how that enemy has entangled you, and reclaim those areas of potential that have been stolen or thwarted along life's journey.    

Discipleship Deliverance™ is based on biblical principles and Church teachings. And while this course is not a catechesis on the sacraments, we will also intentionally take a look at the sacraments through the lens of deliverance.  You will discover the power of deliverance that's received through each sacrament and learn how to examine your life for its fruit physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  

Discipleship Deliverance™ is designed  to help you experience mercy, restore hope, and be delivered from the things that hold you back from giving your full fiat to God, so you can move forward in faith and life!

The intention is for you to not only experience spiritual healing and growth, but also find a deeper connection to the sacraments that allows your faith to come alive like never before!  And because Discipleship Deliverance™ teaches you how to live a lifestyle of deliverance, instead of merely experiencing a moment of deliverance, you will gain a sustainable way to walk with purpose and freedom for all the days of your life!

I'm Here to Help

Jansen Bagwell

B.A. in Theology, M.A. in Counseling, M.S. in Religion, Spirituality & Health, and Certified Life Coach

Navigating the spiritual life is hard enough... understanding how it applies to your everyday life and decisions is sometimes even harder. Applying spiritual principles to your everyday life requires more than you get from just going to church on Sunday. It's a common struggle, but thankfully it has a clear solution.

With over 35 years of ministry experience, I have developed a properly ordered, systematic, and practical guide for personal deliverance and spiritual growth that is grounded in scripture and the teachings of the church. You don't have to flounder around in the dark anymore! I've been where you are and I can help you find your way out of the overwhelm, confusion and fear.

The Advantage of Discipleship

We've all heard about "deliverance" ministry and prayers, but sadly, there is very little catechesis on the principles of deliverance from a practical or even biblical perspective.

True deliverance is not a one-and-done experience. It's a lifestyle and it involves participation in the sacramental life of the church.

That's why we designed Discipleship Deliverance to help TEACH you the foundations of deliverance and then GUIDE you through the process to help you heal, find freedom, and live the life you were created to live.

We don't just tell you WHAT to pray, but we show you WHY and HOW to apply deliverance principles and prayers to your story, so you can take back your dominion and release your charisms for the glory of God!

  • Learn what TO DO and what NOT TO DO when it comes to prayer and spiritual warfare.

  • Discover proven strategies to instantly improve your faith life with SIMPLE spiritual practices.

  • Master the practice of TRUE FORGIVENESS and learn why it's the KEY to unlocking your own spiritual growth.

  • Become the person GOD CREATED YOU TO BE by understanding your purpose and role in all of salvation history.

  • BREAK FREE from repeating patterns of sin and negativity.

  • Experience fulfillment in your RELATIONSHIP with Jesus Christ.

  • Finally ENJOY practicing your faith and sharing it with others!

What Discipleship Deliverance Participants Have to Say

Mind and Heart Transformed

C.D. - Catholic Husband, Father & Businessman

"Through Discipleship Deliverance, I began to see myself through the eyes and heart of God, which then poured over into others. My mind and heart were transformed with boldness and courage to fully use the gifts and charisms that Jesus Christ destined me to use!"

Marriage Came Alive

-K.B., Daughter of God, Wife, and Mother. Catholic writer, Bereaved Parent Grief Support Ministry Founder of Red Bird Ministries, Inc

"The way Jansen described covenant really blew me away. I knew that marriage was sacred, and I understood the way the church spoke of covenant, but I didn't really understand the links that God reveals to us if we just stop and pay attention. I was so impressed how the covenant of my own marriage came alive. It was such a beautiful revelation to myself and my husband of our understanding of what a marriage truly is supposed to look like."

Unimaginable Freedom and Healing

M.M. - Daughter, Bride, Mother, Catholic Writer

"Before I started with this ministry I battled lifelong anxiety and fear. I developed a variety of physical health problems in adulthood including a food allergy syndrome so severe I was unable even to eat. I sought help from a variety of doctors, as well as healing and deliverance prayers, only for my problems to persist. Through Discipleship Deliverance, I found healing and freedom that was unimaginable!"

How Does it Work?


  • Complete the Course or Workshop

    Our signature Discipleship Deliverance Course is offered as a self-paced online video course or in one of our live online course workshops.

    You choose how you want to learn.

  • Enroll in Group or Personal Coaching

    After the course, you can continue your journey with Discipleship Deliverance Coaching. Our coaching options include both group and one-on-one coaching.

    You choose your style of mentorship!

  • Become An Ambassador for Deliverance

    Become a Whole Catholic Ambassador to stay connected with us, continue your own personal journey with the support of our monthly newsletter and resources, and learn how to share the ministry of deliverance with others!

Ready for Personal Coaching?

Click the link below to join the waitlist.

Attendance at a Thy Kingdom Come Workshop or completion of the Discipleship Deliverance course is required before Discipleship Deliverance personal coaching. If you have not done one of these prerequisites, click on one of their corresponding buttons to learn more.


A Prayer for Angels: A Whole Catholic Prayer Guide

In this FREE Webinar, learn how to prayer a powerful prayer of spiritual protection for you and your family.

Deliverance is for Everyone!

Take back the reigns of your spiritual health!

  • Physical Health

    For your physical health, you can go to the doctor or seek the proper treatment.

  • Mental Health

    For your mental health, you can talk with a counselor or therapist.

  • Spiritual Health

    A lifestyle of deliverance, coupled with the power of the sacraments, can help you to develop and maintain a healthy spirit!